Visions Art

Oil profits help art market defy gravity


Share:By Eugenia Levenson Is there a bubble in the art market? Sales of high-end works defy expectations amid an expanding pool of oil-rich buyers.NEW YORK (Fortune) — Luxury these days is a tale of two markets: consumers continue to snap up high-priced Louis Vuitton bags even as they balk at paying full price for Coach […]

Investors Turn to Art; Sales Make Record $1.1 Billion


Share:By Scott ReyburnLondon auction houses sold a record 558.8 million pounds ($1.1 billion) of art including fees over two weeks, with buyers coming into the market seeking to make money as other investments stalled.The total, calculated by Bloomberg from auction house results, is the highest for Impressionist and contemporary sales in London, beating the 521.1 […]

High art prices may disguise malaise


Share:MIKE COLLETT-WHITE LONDON — There are enough “recession-proof,” super-rich buyers to push soaring prices for the best works of art still higher, experts predict, but the picture is less rosy at the lower end of the market.And in a world where perception is everything, values for even the world’s most sought-after artists could come back […]

Ultra-Rich Collectors Help Keep Art Market Afloat


Share:Elizabeth BlairLike most everything else, the price of waterlilies is going up. A painting from Claude Monet’s waterlily series auctioned off Tuesday night in London smashed the previous record for a work by the impressionist, fetching $80.5 million.The eye-popping sale illustrates that while most ordinary people are cutting out non-essential spending, wealthy art collectors aren’t. […]

Crowded art market is running out of big names


Share:Analysis Rachel Campbell Johnston If you’ve got a bruiser of a Francis Bacon on your drawing-room wall then you have probably grown used to its visual punch. You may not want an Impressionist next. However lovely a painting by Alfred Sisley may be, with its pointillist dots scattered daintily across the canvas, it will look […]

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