Visions Art

“Party Time” Acrylic on Canvas | 48 x 60 Inches

Nandini Verma: Embracing Life’s Flow Through Art


Share:Nandini Verma, an artist born in 1974, breathes life into canvas with her roots deeply entrenched in the vibrant landscapes of Chhattisgarh. Her artistic journey unfolds as a tapestry woven with colors, culture, and the ebbs and flows of life’s diverse experiences. Journey and Educational Background Educationally, Nandini pursued a path that initially led her […]

Arpita Reddy

“Arpitha Reddy’s ‘Viswatma’: A Modern Take on Hindu Mythology at Bikaner House


Share:Arpitha Reddy, a talented artist from Hyderabad, brings the captivating stories of Hindu mythology to life with a contemporary twist. Her solo exhibition, ‘Viswatma,’ at Bikaner House, running from October 18 to 25, features over 50 remarkable paintings. Arpitha’s artwork breathes new life into the symbolism and elements found in ancient Puranic texts, offering a […]

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