Visions Art

The Survivors


Artist: Shrutika Gosavi

This artwork by titled The Survivor by Shrutika Gosavi is a spontaneous exploration of the subconscious, filled with unplanned, anonymous, and random expressions. Accidental ink strokes capture the raw power of the moment.

Acrylic, Ink and Charcoal on canvas, To make the surface I have pasted 2 imperial size paper (Fabriano hot pressed 400 gsm )on canvas.
Measurements – ( Height, Width, Length, and Weight) (indicate unit). H 121x W 91 cm, Depth- 3 cm,
stretched canvas

“Survivors” was exhibited at World Art Forum, Museum of Civilization Cairo Egypt in 2022



This artwork by titled The Survivor by Shrutika Gosavi is a spontaneous exploration of the subconscious, filled with unplanned, anonymous, and random expressions. Accidental ink strokes capture the raw power of the moment. My fascination with lines, particularly
in drawing mediums like charcoal, is evident as I play with overlapping figures to convey the vibrancy of life around us.
Titled ‘Survivors,’ this piece represents humanity, a true testament to our resilience in the vast universe. We confront
numerous mental and physical challenges daily, forging paths towards a better life.

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Acrylic & Mixed Media


48 inch x 36 inch





Shrutika Gosavi at Visions Art
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