Visions Art

Showcase Singapore, Asia’s premier art event


Fortune Cookie Projects, a partnership between Mary Dinaburg and Howard Rutkowski, has organised Showcase Singapore, a boutique art fair of twenty three of the best international contemporary art galleries who will feature their work in the showcase. The event will be held in Singapore from the 9th to 12th September 2008, in association with the Singapore Biennale.The showcase is the first such collaboration featuring contemporary art from twenty three of the premier art galleries from fourteen countries, including China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and Vietnam. Showcase Singapore will be the largest collection of A-list category galleries ever to be displayed in Asia.Collectors, investors and curators from around the world have been invited to Singapore to attend the opening of the fair, which is by private invitation only. Several events, including the official opening cocktails and a gala dinner followed by an all night party on the 9th of September have been organised for guests and visitors to Showcase Singapore.Persons interested in seeing the galleries and artists that will be featured at Showcase Singapore and who may wish to attend the event should visit the website at

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